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AWS Rate Limit Troubleshooting

If you get an error message:

TooManyRequestsException: Rate Exceeded.
TooManyRequestsException: Rate Exceeded.

while calling a Lambda function, it means your concurrency limit or burst limit has been reached.

  • Concurrency limit: The maximum amount of Lambda functions that can run concurrently per region per account.
  • Burst limit: The maximum amount of Lambda functions which can spawn in a short amount of time.

Default concurrency limits

By default, the concurrency limit is 1000 functions per region, however in some regions the burst limit is only 500, somewhat limiting the scale you can use.

Exception: New accounts using AWS Lambda

According to AWS, "some accounts" which are new to AWS Lambda might get a very low concurrency limit such as 10 when they first start with AWS Lambda. In that case, increase the limit via the AWS console or the Remotion CLI (see below)

See your limits

To see your limits, run

npx remotion lambda quotas
npx remotion lambda quotas

If you get a permission error, repeat the user policy step in the Setup Guide and update your user policy file in the AWS console.

Request an increase

You can request a quota increase under or using the Remotion CLI:

npx remotion lambda quotas increase
npx remotion lambda quotas increase


Contact the Remotion team, preferrably via Discord and we will be happy to help you with your rate limit problem.